Luxury Trends

Stay ahead of developments in the luxury sector with the latest trends,
foresight and strategic insight

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Our Services

The Future Laboratory offers trend forecasting subscriptions and bespoke strategic foresight consultancy services to help you stay ahead of developments in the luxury industry.

LS:N Global is our trends platform that provides members with original research, trends, analysis, market intelligence and qualitative insights to help them make informed decisions about the future.

We also offer luxury trend presentations delivered by our world-class presenters, bespoke foresight reports to help you drive your marketing and spearhead your PR, as well as a suite of strategic foresight services, delivered by our in-house strategy department.

Find out more about our services below, or please click the link to book a meeting with our team.

Image credits: Photography by Stephane Boubert for The Future Laboratory; Set Design by Prop it; Food Styling by Lena Otvodenko; Fashion Styling by Chloe Cammidge. Below: PW 0-60 sneaker campaign by Adidas, Pharrell Williams in collaboration with Tyrrell Winston, US;

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AI Imagery by The Future Laboratory

Luxury States: New Codes of Luxury 2025

New Foresight Sprint Service

The New Codes of Luxury 2025 is the latest foresight research into the evolving luxury landscape by The Future Laboratory.

Our two-part Luxury Foresight Sprint, broken up into a New Codes of Luxury Presentation and half day sprint session,  ensures your business is focusing on the most valuable insights and prioritising the right strategic initiatives. 


New Trend Report

Luxury Futures 2023
Luxury Recrafted

In our digital times, exclusivity is arguably less exclusive and less excluding. Social media has flung open the doors of the once mystified inner workings of the luxury world. As a result, younger demographics are not intimidated – they see luxury as more approachable and accessible, despite the sustained price hikes orchestrated by brands in the industry. Younger Millennials and Generations Z and Alpha want more than a mere transactional relationship with luxury brands; they seek deeper connections and form organic communities of highly knowledgeable brand fans. What does this fundamental shift entail for the future of luxury?

The report unveils our new macrotrend, Luxury Recrafted and breaks down luxury sector analysis across key markets, case studies and consumer insights, including our new macrotrend, combined to help you understand and grasp business success in the years ahead.

The report is exclusively available to members of our trends intelligence and consumer foresight platform, LS:N Global. Book a meeting with our team below to learn more.

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Strategic Consultancy

Take our luxury trends one step further

For those of you wondering what luxury trends are going to have the biggest impact on your business over the coming years, our Strategy team are here to help.

The Future Laboratory’s Strategy department works directly with global brands and businesses to turn our LS:N Global foresight into a strategic decision-making tool that aligns clients’ current business objectives with these future scenarios. 

The aim: to equip clients with the cultural insights, strategic implications and solutions that enable them to navigate change, unlock opportunity and thrive in a world of continuous uncertainty.

Find out how you can use our Strategic Services to future-proof your luxury strategy.


Futures Presentations

Book one of our world-class speakers to deliver a virtual or in-house trend presentation or workshop for your business. Discover our presentations below or get in touch to book something bespoke.

AI Futures
Photography by The Future Laboratory, UK-1

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been quietly evolving behind the scenes for some time. But in 2023 it boldly broke into the mainstream, prompting a new phase of swift, ground-breaking development.

A new chapter in the technology’s evolution is expected as 2024 unfolds. Use cases will quickly shift from general to highly specialised, with implications for every major lifestyle sector and business vertical. The outlook is a promising one. As more of us adopt AI, however, we must also take steps to manage and mitigate risks, recognising where, when and how it should be used.

This presentation explores the breadth of opportunities that AI offers across key consumer, creative and business sectors – unpacking where the technology could take us and how to get there.

Future Forecast 2024

What does 2024 have in store for your sector?

Based on the findings from our most anticipated annual report, this presentation delves into some of the 50 cross-sector trends that will shape consumer behaviour in 2024. Expect to discover the brands that are getting it right – whether by using the right technology, by offering solutions that improve the lives of people and our planet, or by meeting consumers where they are in a fast-changing world.

We will provide you with a clear idea of what’s to come, as well as an overview of how these shifts will affect multiple sectors, so that regardless of your brand focus, you will walk away with applicable and practical insight.

The Great Wealth Transfer

Wealth ownership, distribution and the politics that influence cross-generational spending are all in flux, according to the findings of The Future Laboratory’s Great Wealth Transfer report.

As Millennials and Gen Z affluents prepare to inherit unprecedented amounts of wealth, the global financial sector needs to consider how their politics, attitudes and increasingly activist mindsets will affect their views on investment. While markets remain uncertain, Gen Z and Millennials are certain about how they want the future wealth landscape to play out: with purpose, with impact, with environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) credentials, and with total transparency.

This presentation takes you behind the hype to look at what this shift really means in terms of modern affluent behaviours – and the insights driving them.


Luxury Experts

Get in touch with our specialists if you are interested in discussing the research or if you have a press enquiry. Speak to our experts

Chris Sanderson (He/Him)

Christopher Sanderson is co-founder of The Future Laboratory, where he is responsible for delivering the company’s extensive global roster of conferences, media events and LS:N Global Trend Briefings, which he co-presents with the team in London, New York, Sydney, Melbourne, Stockholm and Helsinki. Clients who have booked one of his inspirational keynotes include Gucci Group, the European Travel Commission, Retail Week, Selfridges, M&S, Chanel, Harrods, Aldo and H&M.

Martin Raymond (He/Him)

Martin is editor-in-chief of LS:N Global, the online lifestyle news and consumer insight portal. Having written several books on trend forecasting, including The Trend Forecaster’s Handbook and The Tomorrow People, Martin contributes regularly as an expert on trends and business for the BBC, Channel 4 and ITV.

Fiona Harkin
foresight editor

Fiona joined The Future Laboratory in 2022, having spent 20 years working in leading forecasting and insight agencies as a content director and a journalist, delivering strategic foresight and creative content to forward-thinking businesses. Fiona brings considerable cross-sector expertise to her role leading the LS:N Global site, ranging from the digital commerce and tech sectors to the fashion and media industries.  

Marta Indeka
foresight analyst

Marta joined The Future Laboratory’s trends intelligence platform LS:N Global as a foresight analyst in 2022. Her background is in fashion and luxury strategy, and she has also worked in trend forecasting, with a focus on changes in consumer attitudes and technology. Marta is the company’s lead researcher on the fashion sector, which involves examining how fashion affects society and vice versa, and unpacking the implications and opportunities for LS:N Global members.

Rachele Simms
director of strategy and planning

Rachele plays a pivotal role in nurturing the Strategy team and developing the quality of our strategic thinking. With nearly 15 years of experience, she combines her creative background and strong commercial acumen to define and realise future strategies for brands such as Shiseido, lululemon, Jameson and The Chalhoub Group.

Louise French (She/Her)
strategy director

Louise is one of the lead strategists at The Future Laboratory. With over 12 years’ experience in brand and innovation strategy, she works closely with clients such as Dell, Sony, Selfridges and Gulfstream to identify inspiring and revolutionary opportunities for change, and to develop practical strategic frameworks that provide the blueprints for putting the future first.

Darian Nugent (She/Her)
senior strategic foresight writer

Darian creates tailored reports and thought-leading content across diverse industries. Unlocking future-facing strategies and new brand directions, Darian has written bespoke foresight reports for Jägermeister, Samsung and UBS. Before joining The Future Laboratory, she forecast fashion and youth lifestyle trends for Stylus.

Rachael Stott (She/Her)
senior futures analyst

Rachael is responsible for leading research to identify and visually communicate global cultural trends across the lifestyle sectors, inspiring our clients to prepare for the future. As our fashion and retail expert, she speaks regularly at our events, and has worked on projects for clients such as Adidas and the British Fashion Council.


What is the luxury goods industry?

The luxury goods sector is an industry made of high-end and luxury brands that provide exclusive goods and products, often associated with wealth and lifestyle.

What are some examples of trends in the luxury industry?

Some examples of trends in the luxury sector include:

Guilded Luxury:
As the world enters a new chapter of global uncertainty, luxury brands are seizing on safeguarding strategies to build long-lasting and enriching relationships with their clientele.

Omnilux Lifestyles:
The luxury experience of the future will no longer rely on tactile human-to-human moments, but anytime attainment, anywhere in the world. In this digitally bolstered second existence, luxury is an omnipresent service.

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