: How would you describe your role and area of expertise at The Future Laboratory?
As presentations editor, I am tasked with transforming The Future Laboratory’s extensive research into impactful and strategic presentations that appeal to the eyes and mind. These presentations often serve as the first point of contact for brands seeking collaboration with our organisation.
My role, which bridges Foresight and Strategy, affords me the opportunity to work closely with clients to tailor content to their specific needs, as well as actively participating in the LS:N Global network.
: As an editor what does your typical week look like?
My weekly routine usually begins with reviewing project briefs, engaging in client meetings and conducting desk research. Afterwards, I collaborate with my colleagues in Strategy, Design and Foresight to finalise the presentation.
The variety of subjects I work on, ranging from the future of housing to virtual worlds and gender equality, keeps my work dynamic and allows for continuous learning.
: Why do you believe that trends and foresight are so important for businesses in 2023?
Last year, we introduced The Paralysis Paradox as a macrotrend, emphasising the importance of disruptive innovation for securing our collective futures in 2023 and beyond. This highlights the significance of foresight, not only for ensuring the longevity of brands, but also for preserving the wellbeing of the planet.
: Tell us about one of your most recent and most exciting projects at The Future Laboratory.
I recently had the opportunity to create a presentation for the Selfridges Festival of Future Thinking to inform the department stores of tomorrow. The project was part of a dynamic programme of talks, presentations and panel discussions, and it allowed me to really broaden my skill set around visual research – not to mention being part of something so inspiring.
: What was your plan B career?
At university, I pursued a degree in fashion media and marketing with the goal of becoming a fashion buyer, driven by my love of fashion and my family’s retail business. But the reality of the industry’s reliance on unsustainable growth and the constant use of Excel spreadsheets led me to reconsider my career path.
: What led you to working in strategic foresight?
During my academic studies, I developed a strong attraction to coursework focused on trends, which eventually expanded beyond just fashion. Through internships in trend forecasting, market insights and creative consulting, I naturally progressed into the field of strategic foresight.
: What would be your go-to karaoke song at one of The Future Laboratory’s infamous karaoke nights?
To save the ears of those around me, Tequila by The Champs.
: Your favourite way to unwind?
I have recently started attending Barre classes, where the focus on balance, flexibility and strength means I can truly disconnect from the day’s challenges.
At the weekend, you can find me at a concert or comedy night surrounded by friends.
: Your go-to working snack and after-work tipple?
As someone who believes cereal should be seen as an all-day event, my working snack is likely to have been made by Kellogg’s – a student habit I am yet to give up!
After work, nothing beats a largarita cocktail. Made similarly to a traditional margarita but with the added fizz of a good bottle of beer – it is truly the best of both worlds.
: What trend are you most excited about for the year ahead?
I am really excited by the recent progress in artificial intelligence, as it is demonstrating its potential in real-world applications. The possibilities of Generative AI are boundless, and I view this technological shift as a positive disruption with the ability to increase efficiency, create more leisure time, and transform the way we live, work and entertain ourselves. I have plans to write about this exciting topic soon, so stay tuned!
Here at The Future Laboratory, our team are constantly striving for betterment in all areas, particularly for people and the planet. By holding ourselves and each other to account in a compassionate way, we have built a culture that allows each of us to do our best work.
Learn more about our commitments, both as individuals and as a community at The Future Laboratory with our Cultural Charter.