Our new Youth & Media Futures report reveals the trends driving our interconnected future, from the emergence of a Digital Afterlife to the Curator Kids overthrowing the creator economy. And from Vietnam to the US, our Global Youth Snapshot sheds light on the ways in which Generation Z are balancing online and offline communities.
As well as our new The Zalpha Reckoning macrotrend, this report also includes Global Drivers, Market Shifts, Trends Rising and Strategic Implications that detail how to use the framework effectively.
You can access the full report by becoming a member of LS:N Global. To book a demo and discuss the membership packages with our team, please click the button below.
Image credit: Kaleidoscopic Home by Tin & Ed for SPACE10 and IKEA's Everyday Experiements, Denmark
: Trends Rising
Powered by a change-hungry future generation, these are the six trends set to shake up the media and technology market.
: Global Youth Snapshot
Discover the subcultures redefining the meaning of global youth culture across Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
: Macrotrend: The Zalpha Reckoning
A first look at the tweenage Gen Zalphas who are swapping childhood to take responsibility for our planet.
: Strategic Implications
These practical strategies will guide your brand through the coming era of youth atonement.
This report is available for members of our trends intelligence platform LS:N Global. Become a member to get access.
Image credit: H&M Role Models, UK
Help prepare your business for the changes ahead by downloading the Youth & Media Futures Report now.
If you are a LS:N Global member, you can also access this report for free on LS:N Global here.
*This is a downloadable PDF report. Please consider the environment before printing.
The report is based on research from our Youth & Media sector on LS:N Global. Get in touch with a member of our team to discuss our membership packages and book a demo of LS:N Global today.
Image credit: Tierra Dulce, Mexico
Youth & Media Futures Report
Our new presentations are designed for you and your team to engage with both The Zalpha Reckoning macrotrend and Trends Rising presentations set to radicalise the food and drink landscape.
Perhaps you want to equip your team with the latest trends and practical insights, or maybe you are looking for an inspiring keynote to be presented to your entire company.
These presentations can be booked as virtual or in-house presentations, delivered by one of our expert presenters. Choose from Trends Rising or The Zalpha Reckoning macrotrend, sold separately or as a 360-degree collection for a discounted rate.
Each presentation includes the free downloadable PDF of the accompanying macrotrend report, usually available only for members.
Image credit: Black Girls Code Lab in New York. Designed by architect Danish Kurani, US