Beauty, Health & Wellness Futures

Synchronised Care

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Around the world, health has been our primary focus since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. With health becoming a personal and public priority, new cross-sector needs and opportunities are emerging.

As we reconstruct the beauty, health and wellness sectors on new foundations, future approaches to welfare will meet our most basic needs, while promoting a sense that we are flourishing.

Our new Beauty, Health & Wellness Futures report is packed with practical insights and inspiring case studies for your brand to harness these shifts. This report is your guide to the trends defining the beauty and wellness sectors, from best-in-class campaigns to emerging innovations.

Alongside key trends, statistics and global case studies, you’ll discover our latest Beauty, Health & Wellness macrotrend, Synchronised Care.

You can now purchase the full report below.

Top image credit: Open meditation, design and branding by Some Days


What's inside the report?

Beauty and wellness analysis across key markets, case studies and consumer insights combined to help you understand and grasp business success in the years ahead. The report also includes:

: Rising Trends

From beauty brands embracing radical transparency to emerging hybrids of exercise and entertainment, discover eight trends disrupting the beauty, health and wellness sectors.

: Macrotrend: Synchronised Care

Self-care is no longer just about self- indulgence. It’s a force for collective health that is interconnected with every aspect of our lives and interdependent on the world around us. Explore the full macrotrend.

: Strategic Implications

In 2021, the beauty, health and wellness industries have been forced to confront areas where they have previously fallen short. The report features a series of practical strategies to help your brand re-imagine what retail could look like in the 2020s.

Image credit: ILOH, UK

Get the report

Help prepare your business for the changes ahead by downloading the Beauty, Health & Wellness Futures Report now.

If you are a LS:N Global member, you can also access this report for free on LS:N Global here.

*This is a downloadable PDF report. Please consider the environment before printing.

The report is based on research from our Beauty and Health & Wellness sectors on LS:N Global. Get in touch with a member of our team to discuss our membership packages and book a demo of LS:N Global today.


Image credit: Carolina Carballo for The Future Laboratory

Beauty, Health & Wellness Futures 2021 Report


On-demand video presentations

The Beauty, Health & Wellness Futures presentations are designed for you and your team to engage with both macrotrend and trends rising presentations set to radicalise the beauty and wellness landscapes.

Perhaps you want to equip your team with the latest trends and practical insights, or maybe you are looking for an inspiring keynote to share with your entire company.

These presentations can be watched online and on demand at your own convenience. Choose from the Synchronised Care macrotrend or Trends Rising sold separately or as a 360-degree collection for a discounted rate.

Each presentation includes the free downloadable PDF of the accompanying macrotrend report, usually available only for members.



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