Foresight SprintNew Codes: Work 2025

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How is Your Brand Adapting to the New Codes of Work?

Whether you’re a business leader looking to validate your strategic initiatives or a team leader seeking help to course-correct and reprioritise your team in the new hybrid work environment, our Work States Sprint is a half-day workshop session designed to help you.

This will help decision-makers to explore important questions, including:  

: Do we clearly understand the impact of hybrid working on the productivity, culture, cohesion and collaborative abilities of our brand, business or organisation? (Learning and Leadership) 

: Are our teams fully trained and equipped with the skills needed to negotiate and thrive in these new asynchronous work-from-anywhere (WFA) environments? (Focus and Flow) 

: Do we maximise the five states of work that future-faced organisations are fast embracing to become more flexible, and resilient? (Collaboration and Culture) 

: Can wellness and wellbeing be seen as part of our HR initiative and as core drivers that inform all aspects of our growth, profitability and upward future trajectory? (Rejuvenation and Resilience) 

: Are we embracing more creative, social, conscious and agile approaches to problem-solving that allow us to develop higher levels of flow and innovation within and between cross-business teams? (Inspiration and Intent) 

To answer the above, we understand that businesses don’t always need more research, but do want help to focus on the most valuable insights so that they can prioritise and take action.  

Our new Work States Sprint, with its accompanying Work States White Paper, Work States Presentation and Work States Workshop, does just that. Learn more about the service below.  

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The advantages and takeaways from participating in the Work States 2025 Sprint

These half-day sessions offer a foundation for connecting with different mindsets and age groups across your brand, business or organisation regardless of how you have mapped out your current work week. You can expect direction to help achieve the following: 


: Prioritisation and growth
Prioritization and Growth

: Align your strategic vision and goals   

: Set clear objectives   

: Adapt work systems and processes  

: Develop new working and team practices 

: Enhance and evolve existing ones

: Validation and Course-correction
Validation & course correction

: Assess and adjust existing workflows   

: Adjust your HR and People strategies   

: Evaluate how you innovate and drive ideas 

: Limit unnecessary burn  

: Unlock new paths to creativity and innovation

: Leadership and Resilience
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: Develop more federated and responsive teams 

: Understand and utilise the power of ‘soft’ skills 

: Nurture and deploy agility at all levels  

: Embrace wellness and betterment as a core USP 

: Understand and utilise the power of reverse mentoring 

:Workplace and Future Agility

: Manage the Web3 workforce  

: Understand the role of Betterverse boardrooms 

: Employ the Transmutable Worker 

: Harness the power of neurodiversity  

: Understand and utilise the intergenerational office mindset


How do we deliver the sprint?

The Sprint is provided in two sections, covering a range of subjects. 

Part 1: Work States: New Codes of Work Presentation
[90 mins]  

: External factors driving change in the workplace 

: Shared and nuanced values and mindsets of the new hybrid workforce 

: The Five States of Work – Inspiration and Intent, Collaboration and Culture, Learning and Leadership, Focus and Flow, Rejuvenation and Resilience – explained, explored and activated within the future of work context. 

Part 2: Half-day Sprint  

: Facilitator-led working session  

: Turning insights into opportunity areas for your work practices and organisational agility 

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Photography by Anastasia Shuraeva copy

About the New Codes of Work 2025

Work States: New Codes of Work 2025 is the latest foresight research into the ever-evolving future of work by The Future Laboratory.

Rooted in our market-leading methodology, this research charts the constant qualities that underpin the workplace. It also tracks the emotional and psychological states of how and why we work, as well the external factors that drive them.   

Work is not a one-size-fits-all term. This proprietary tool provides insight into a spectrum of workplace types and skill sets, and the teams and individuals who deploy them so organisations can better understand the different mindsets and changing expectations of their teams and employees.  

Using this intelligence as the foundation of the workshop, our Work States: New Codes of Work 2025 will help you to successfully navigate the shifting workplace landscape today – in readiness for tomorrow. 


Ready to find out what comes next?

Book our two-part Sprint and ensure your business is focusing on the most valuable insights and prioritising the right strategic initiatives. It's time to take action!


Request more information:


Fill in the form to download our introduction to the sprint