Millennials: Now and Next 2024–2025From Pink to Prime

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After a stuttering start to their adult lives, the first generation to use the internet as children are hitting their prime earning years while rebelling against traditional nominated life paths.

Our Generations: Now and Next 2024–2025 report takes an in-depth look at key generational demographics – Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z and Alphas – and their evolving attitudes to technology, work, finance, education, sustainability, and health and wellness over the next 3–5 years.

Purchase the Millennials: Now and Next report below, or opt for all five Generations: Now and Next reports. Members of LS:N Global access the reports here.

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Alex Green

What's in the report?

Dive into the topics driving Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996), the key consumer behaviours brands need to know about and speculative future scenarios to 2030.

What influences are shaping the future for Millennials? We explore their characterisation as Optimistic Improvisers; how they are Late Achievers when it comes to traditional life stages; and their ongoing Wellbeing Crisis.

Here we explore the challenges and aspirations defining Millennials.

Success & Achievement: Positive Financial Movers and Work-Flexers

Technology: Tech-Optimists

Health & Wellness: Wellness Boosters and Positive Escapologists

Community & Identity: Upskilled Parenting and Eco-Nesters

Sustainability: Eco-Collectivists

Here, we expand on speculative future scenarios to 2030. For Millennials, we explore: the future Restructured Family; the rise of the Neo-Hedonist Spenders; and how Millennial women are becoming the Equity Agitators.

Strategic Implications and Thought-starters
Actions and future considerations for brands and businesses.

Get the report

If you are a LS:N Global member, you can access this report on LS:N Global hereGet in touch with a member of our team to discuss our membership packages and book a demo of LS:N Global today.
*This is a downloadable PDF report. Please consider the environment before printing.

Generations: Now and Next 2024–2025

Full collection (£850):  

Includes the 5 Generations reports (169 pages)

Individual reports (£250):

‘Power is going to go, not from Boomers to Gen X, but from Boomers directly to Millennials’

Source: Dr Jean Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University and author of Generations

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This report is based on sector research from LS:N Global.

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