Boomers: Now and Next 2024–2025From Ageing to Becoming

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There is an upcoming milestone in the Boomers’ generational journey. By 2030 they will all have reached the average Western retirement age of 65, supercharging a re-assessment of later life purpose along the way.

Our Generations: Now and Next 2024–2025 report takes an in-depth look at key generational demographics – Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z and Alphas – and their evolving attitudes to technologyworkfinanceeducationsustainability, and health and wellness over the next 3–5 years.

Purchase the Boomers: Now and Next report below, or opt for all five Generations: Now and Next reports. Members of LS:N Global get free access to the reports here.

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Anastasia Shuraeva

What's in the report?

Dive into the topics driving Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), the key consumer behaviours brands need to know about and speculative future scenarios to 2030.

What influences are shaping the future for Boomers? We explore the effects of a Demographic Flip as Western populations age; the Boomer search for Restored Purpose and meaning; the potential of more meaningful connections between generations to avoid the Boomer Burden growing; and how a focus on Boomers’ Record Wealth is eclipsing the prosperity gap within this generation.

Here we explore the many ways in which Boomers are bucking the trends set by previous generations and approaching later life as a process of becoming rather than ageing.

Success & Achievement: The Financial Long-Gamers

Technology: Rise of the Techno-Boomers

Health & Wellness: Silver Sprinters, Golden Gap-ers and Well-cationers

Community & Identity: Boomer Bedrockers and Social Seniors

Here, we expand on speculative future scenarios to 2030, exploring: AI-ging and tech-boosted healthcare innovations; how a rejection of traditional models of ageing is creating a generation of Becomers; the Philanthropensioners fostering generational unanimity; and the flat-age exchange defining Grandpeers and Grandfriends

Strategic Implications and Thought-starters
Actions and future considerations for brands and businesses.

Get the report

If you are a LS:N Global member, you can also access this report for free on LS:N Global hereGet in touch with a member of our team to discuss our membership packages and book a demo of LS:N Global today.

*This is a downloadable PDF report. Please consider the environment before printing.

Generations: Now and Next 2024–2025

Full collection (£850):  

Includes the 5 Generations reports (169 pages)

Individual reports (£250):


‘In 2021, one in 10 people worldwide were aged 65 or above. In 2050, this age group is projected to account for one in six people globally’

Source: United Nations

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