The Synthocene Era
Explore the prospects for human intelligence in 2025 and beyond
Today, the term ‘intelligence’ frequently comes with the prefix ‘artificial’. But as humans harness a number of advancing technologies – from AI to quantum computing to biotech and genetic engineering – what are the prospects for human intelligence in 2025 and beyond? And what does this mean for the way individuals think, behave, work and live?
According to our latest Future:Poll market research study, a majority of consumers feel positive about AI’s progressive impact. Within a 90% consensus that technology is accelerating at speed, 60% felt this was a positive thing.
In this new synthetic age, this report defines the Expanded Human, not only looking at how we will be shaped by technologies but how we will interact with and benefit from them, especially as they become more human.
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What's in the report?
The drivers and insights behind this macrotrend outline critical topics such as: The Great Tech-celeration and the Personalisation Paradox to Syntherventional Living and Generation Quantum.
More essential themes in this report include:
Artificial Intelligence in 2030
We unpack where AI is heading after the exponential growth and overnight user adoption of large language models (LLMs)
From Longevity to Singularity
To live longer and better lives, humans will merge with technology and the first step has already been taken. Wearables, Ozempic and biotechnologies will soon be the new normal
Algorithmic Echoes
Trapped in hyper-personalised algorithms with content – and products – that keep validating their beliefs, consumers need brands to begin a new age of discovery
Layered Realities
Between AR, VR, XR and MR, consumers of the future will live, work and connect between realms. But they will also crave the serendipity of real-life experiences – can the IRL beat the URL?
Gen Quantum
While Gen Z were born with iPhones, Alphas are already Alexa’s boss. From education to marketing, how can you target a demographic whose future jobs and hobbies don’t exist yet?
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The Synthocene Era Report: AI Futures
‘Above all, this macrotrend is about the growing need to acknowledge our synthesised future as we currently negotiate the terms of our inevitable partnership with AI. It is a possible future that is supercharged, not enslaved, by tech. And as technology will become more human than ever before, it will force us to pierce our fear bubbles and explore what our human premium will be’
Fiona Harkin, director of foresight, The Future Laboratory
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This report is based on sector research from LS:N Global.
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