Luxury States

New Codes of Luxury 2024–2025

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An essential tool, the Five Luxury States define people’s emotional and psychological journeys through the luxury sector, giving rise to a new set of Codes defining the future language of luxury

These Five Luxury States are part of The Future Laboratory’s proprietary strategic framework examining people’s emotional and psychological journeys through the luxury sector.

From these Luxury States emerges a new set of Luxury Codes, designed to help your business become fluent in the future language of luxury.

Purchase the full report below. Members of LS:N Global get free access to this report here.

Image credit: New Frontiers by Neiman Marcus. Photography by Arnaud Lajeunie, US  (Hero), and Goldwin Spring Summer 2024 collection, Japan (Overview)

Goldwin Spring Summer 2024 collection, Japan

Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 17.46.14


What’s inside the report?

The Future Laboratory’s Five States of Luxury framework gives businesses a unique tool to understand the behaviours and action responses to meet luxurians’ future needs now.

Luxury States: New Codes of Luxury 2024–2025

Understanding the fluctuating expectations of their audiences has been a pursuit of luxury organisations for decades.

: State One : Acquisition
: State Two : Discernment
: State Three : Emotion
: State Four : Responsibility
: State Five : Elevation


We examine speculative future scenarios 5–10 years in the future. They point to opportunities arising from new directions, divergence and developments

: 360-degree Culture
: Exploration Brands
: Future Architects
: Co-lab
: Brands Responsible, with Attitude

Strategic Worksheets

As the landscape of luxury evolves, businesses navigating this terrain can align brands, products or services with one or more of these states. Analyse their impact and instigate planning with our strategic worksheets.

Image credit: New Frontiers by Neiman Marcus. Photography by Arnaud Lajeunie, US


Get the report

This report is based on research from our Luxury Sector on LS:N Global.
If you are a LS:N Global member, you can also access this report for free on LS:N Global here. Get in touch with a member of our team to discuss our membership packages and book a demo of LS:N Global today.

*This is a downloadable PDF report. Please consider the environment before printing.

Luxury States: New Codes of Luxury 2024–2025 Report

Alternatively, access this report for free by becoming a member of LS:N Global here.    



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Image credit: Victoria Ling for The Future Laboratory


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