Innovation Debrief 2024–2025

Discover the top 50 innovations acknowledging, driving and anticipating change.

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In a world driven by constant change and evolving consumer needs, this year’s Innovation Debrief report explores how, under the theme of activism and action, innovation isn’t just about continual disruption but about acknowledging, driving and anticipating change. 

From brands tackling demographic shifts to re-imagining stagnant industries and embracing cutting-edge materials and technologies, this report contains 50 innovations across 10 key cross-sector trends that embody a softer, more sustainable approach to innovation to drive and inspire your approach to innovation and make a better business future happen. 

Purchase the full report below. Members of LS:N Global get free access to this report here. 

Hero image: AI Imagery for The Future Laboratory
Overview: Park's Best

Parks Best1-1
Sporty & Rich 2

What’s inside the report?

Dive into the report’s key trends: 

: Elastic Luxury 
As the luxury sector evolves to meet next-generation consumers’ needs amid economic uncertainty, it is lending its craftsmanship and strong brand identity to new cultural ventures.  

: Neo-legacy 
Longevity might be the buzzword of the moment in the health and wellness sector, but the tech industry is already 10 steps ahead, and is asking: How can we preserve digital legacies? And do we want our data to outlive us? 

: Branded Third Spaces  
Faced with a decline in footfall to bricks-and-mortar stores and a hybrid work culture that has left consumers eager to leave the house, brands are transforming retail storefronts into third-space hubs for community, culture and creativity.  

: Gynaeguity 
From menstrual care to fertility treatments, long overdue innovations in femtech are reshaping gynaecological practices and empowering women to take charge of their sexual health, fertility and wellbeing.  

: Biophilic Bonds 
Grounding and re-rooting through the senses, brands are tapping into the innate human need to connect with the natural world by infusing biophilic elements into their designs and experiences. In a world saturated with technology, connection to nature is emerging as a new luxury. 

: DINKWAD Economy
DINKWAD (double-income, no-kids, with-a-dog) lifestyles are on the rise, fuelled by an influx of pandemic puppies and Gen Z and Millennials opting out of traditional parenthood, driving lucrative growth in the Prestige Pets market.  

: Compost Couture 
The luxury market has carved out a niche in waste re-invention, looking to organic matter and fruit and vegetable waste as key solutions for the fashion industry’s carbon footprint, ushering in a new era of compost. 

: Entertainment Gets Phygital  
Mixed reality (MR) is reshaping social entertainment by enabling consumers to simultaneously interact with content and fellow attendees, fostering stronger fandoms and bridging the gap between digital and physical worlds. 

: Bio-based Builds 
Architects are using bio-based materials, envisaging a construction cycle where buildings are deconstructed and materials are returned to the source at the end of their life.  

: Adaptable Algae 
On LS:N Global we’ve been tracking algae innovations since 2010. Today, trailblazers in fashion, food and product design continue to look to this eukaryotic organism as a hero ingredient for a healthier and more sustainable future. 

Image credit: Sporty & Rich


Get the report

‘We cannot control the pace of change, but we can control our reaction to the change around us. Innovation in this context means the ability to decide when, and how, to action your own change.’

Fiona Harkin, director of foresight, The Future Laboratory 

If you are a LS:N Global member, you can also access this report for free on LS:N Global here. Get in touch with a member of our team to discuss our membership packages and book a demo of LS:N Global today.

*This is a downloadable PDF report. Please consider the environment before printing.

Innovation Debrief 2024–2025

Alternatively, access this report for free by becoming a member of LS:N Global here. 



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Image credit: Victoria Ling for The Future Laboratory


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