Retail Consumer Report

The Regenizens

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Meet the community- focused citizens who are reframing their relationship with consumption to be not just more sustainable, but also regenerative and ethical - we call them Regenizens

Amid environmental turbulence, a new cross-demographic community are looking to change their relationship with the way they consume. These community- minded citizens are focused on regeneration.

As the world shrinks back to the immediate and the local in light of the acceleration of regionalisation through the Covid-19 pandemic, Regenizens are using this state of upheaval as a way to challenge big brands, unsustainable production and wasteful consumption.

Our new Regenizens Consumer Report explores how the Regenizens community are using technology, communities and entrepreneurship to further entrench the post-ownership ideal.

Top image credit: Georgia, 38, Greece, Portraits by Gourau & Phong, produced by Noëlla Neffati


What's inside the report?

Retail consumer analysis, drawing from five global Regenizens to help us understand their changing behaviour when it comes to shopping. The report also includes:

: Retail Landscape

Advanced digitisation and hyper-local living are accelerating a recalibrated focus on sustainability. Discover our in-depth retail landscape research.

: Consumer Behaviours

Three distinct typologies – Next-gen Resellers, Neighbourhood Shoppers and Retail Trackers – characterise the consumer behaviours of Regenizens. Explore the full breakdown of consumer behaviours.

: Consumer Journey

To understand the future retail landscape, we’ve mapped how the consumer journey is evolving. We found that Regenizens are driven by transparency, closed-loop product ranges and stores that transform into eco-conscious hubs.

: Strategic Implications

Key guidance for retail brands to engage with the Regenizens’ post-ownership approach to retail consumption.

This report is available for members of our trends intelligence platform LS:N Global. Become a member to get access.

Image credit: Hal, 32, Germany, Portraits by Gourau & Phong, produced by Noëlla Neffati

Get the report

Help prepare your business for the changes ahead by downloading the Regenizens Consumer Report now.

If you are a LS:N Global member, you can also access this report for free on LS:N Global here.

*This is a downloadable PDF report. Please consider the environment before printing.

The report is based on research from our Retail sector on LS:N Global. Get in touch with a member of our team to discuss our membership packages and book a demo of LS:N Global today.


Regenizens Consumer Report


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